Wednesday 25 March 2015

Glowing Skin Smoothie | The Acne Diaries

As you can read here, I've been enjoying making a smoothie every day because they are very delicious and very good for you.
This smoothie recipe is one specifically tailored to be great for the skin as it contains lots of vitamin C rich fruits. The recipe is...

1 apple
1 small satsuma
1 large handful of spinach
1 large handful of frozen mango
1/4 cup of water (or squeezed lemon juice)
1 kiwi 

The reason vitamin C is important for the skin is because its an antioxidant that slows down the rate of free radical damage which cause dryness, fine lines and wrinkles. It is also key to the production of collagen, a protein the aids in the growth of cells and blood vessels which gives skin its firmness and strength. Vitamin C also helps the skin repair itself. *science lesson over*
This smoothie also has lots of other vitamins and minerals that are you good for your skin such as iron, vitamin K and copper.
I have noticed a big difference in my skin since drinking one these smoothies every day. So go drink your way to healthy skin!

p.s. I forgot to mention that this smoothie also tastes delicious (the main reason I like making it every day)


  1. Your green smoothie does sound a lot tastier than some of the other green smoothie recipes that I've seen xx Izzy |

  2. thanks izzy! hope you like it if you try it😊xx


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